52 This Event will have its Frequency set to "Note Only" and will be marked as completed
53 No Future Reminders are Scheduled
54 This Event will have its Frequency set to "Note Only" and will be marked as completed as it has passed it's Scheduled Until Date
55 This Event will be rescheduled for its next scheduled date as detailed above
56 Delete Reminder from %s
57 The Above Event will be deleted from the Reminders List for this Entry.
58 The Above Event will be deleted from the Calendar File.
59 Outstanding
60 Title
61 First Name
62 Surname
63 Salutation
64 Undefined
65 Notes
66 Address 1
67 Position
68 Company
69 Address
70 Home
71 Work
72 Fax
73 E-Mail
74 Not Defined
75 Evaluation Copy
76 For 30 Day Evaluation Only
77 1 Outstanding Reminder
78 %D Outstanding Reminders
79 Address Book:
80 Diary File:
81 Loading Address Book...
82 (Locked)
83 Saving Address Book...
84 The Selected Entry is not included in the current Display Index. \n\nDo you wish to Add the Entry to the Display Index ?
85 Due to an Unknown Error, it was not possible to Display the Selected Entry
86 Search Active
87 All Entries
88 Unable to Close Address Book, due to Call Logging in Progress. \n\nPlease complete the Call Log, and retry request
89 Address Book %s is being Updated \n\nAre you sure you wish to close the Address Book
90 Categories for Entry
91 Display Categories for Entry|
92 Select Categories for Entry|
93 < New Entry >
94 Smart Address is unable to locate any Data Entry fields. \n\nPlease ensure that all fields have not been disabled and try again
95 Display &Selected Categories for Entry...
96 Display the Categories the Current Entry is associated with
97 &Select Categories for Entry...
98 Select the Categories the Current Entry is to be associated with
99 Un&lock Address Book
100 Removes the Lock for the current Address Book allowing updates
101 &Lock Address Book
102 Locks the current Address Book making it Read Only
105 Page
106 View the
107 Search Address Book: %s
108 Remove &Tag
109 Removes the Tag from the Selected Entry
110 &Tag Entry
111 Tags the Selected Entry
112 Remove Tag from Entry
113 Tag Entry
114 Display Categories for Entry...
115 Select Categories for Entry...
116 Remove Tags from Entries
117 Remove tags from:
118 Address Book Information
119 Address Book Name:
120 Book Created:
121 Entries
122 Locked
123 Update
124 The Search string "%s" could not be located
125 Save Address Book As
126 File: %s \n\nUnable to Delete the specified file due to an Unknown Error !
127 The Word Processor Specified, "%s", is not Running \n\nPlease Start the Application and Retry the Request
128 Address Book: %s \nEntry: %s \n\nDo you wish to add the %d dropped file(s) to this entry ?
129 Delete Call Log Record
130 Update Call Log Record
131 No Events for
132 1 Event for
133 %d Events for
134 Entries for this Date: %d
135 Extracting Events. Please Wait....
136 A Name for the Category must be Specified.\n\nEach Category needs to be assigned a unique name to identify that Category.
137 A Category with the name "%s" is already Defined.\n\nPlease specify a name that has not been used.
138 Update Category: %s
139 Error Creating Back-up File: %s \n\nCheck Free Disk Space or the Read-Only Property of the Back-up File
140 Error Opening Address Book: %s \n\nThe Conversion Process was unable to Open the Address Book due to an Unknown Error
141 Error Converting Address Book: %s \n\nThe Conversion Process failed due to an Unknown Error
142 (Replace)
143 Address Book will not be Backed Up
144 The Modem Settings have not yet been defined.\n\nPlease define the Settings required for your Modem, by Selecting CONFIGURE MODEM from the TOOLS Menu.
145 The Device Identifier is Invalid or Unsupported
146 The Device is Already Open
147 The Device is not Open
148 Cannot Allocate the I/O Queues
149 The Default Parameters are in Error
150 The Hardware is Locked by Another Device
151 The Specified Byte Size is Invalid
152 The Devices Baud Rate is Unsupported
153 An unknown error was detected whilst initialising the Modem
154 %s \n\nThe Dial request has been Terminated
155 Initialising Modem...
156 Resetting Modem
157 Time-out in %d Seconds
158 Sending...
159 Initialising Modem
160 Dialling Number...
161 Number Being Dialled
162 Number Dialled
163 The Telephone Number has been Dialled
164 Pick up the Telephone Receiver and Press OK
165 The Modem did not respond within the Defined Time-out Period
166 No Dialling Tone was Received from the Modem
167 The String Passed to the Modem was Invalid
168 An Unknown Error was Encountered
169 Number is Engaged
170 Re-dialling Number
171 Re-dialling Number in %d Seconds
172 Waiting
173 The Number Dialled is Engaged. Please try again later.
174 Answered
175 Manual Dial
176 Dial the following Number:
177 Manual Mode
178 Loading Diary...
179 Day: %d
180 Entries for this Date: %d
181 Saving Diary...
182 Diary - %s
183 Un&lock Diary
184 Removes the Lock for the current Diary allowing updates
185 &Lock Diary
186 Locks the current Diary making it read only
187 Save Diary As
188 Diary Information
189 Diary Name:
190 Diary Created:
191 Events
192 Edit Attachment Details
193 A Description for this Document is required.\n\nPlease specify a suitable description before continuing
194 A File Name for this Document is required.\n\nPlease specify the File Name of the Document before continuing
195 Select Document File
196 Unable to Extract Application
197 Long File Names Used ?
198 Templates for Address Book Exports
199 Templates for Reminder Exports
200 Templates for Telephone Log Exports
201 Templates for Diary Exports
202 A Character for Field Separation must be specified.\n\nThis Character is used to Separate the Fields within each Record
203 A Record Delimiter Character must be specified.\n\nThis Character is used to Enclose each Field within a Record
204 Initialising TAPI Device...
205 Template: %s \n\nAre you sure you wish to delete this Template ?
206 If the Display is to be Restricted to the Specified Index Characters, at least one Index Character must be entered. \n\nPlease Re-specify
207 Both the "Exclude Tagged" and "Exclude Not Tagged" options cannot be selected, as this would result in no entries being eligible for display. \n\nPlease Re-specify
208 Saved Search: "%s" \n\nAre you Sure you Wish to Delete this Saved Search
209 Search Text is Required.\n\nPlease specify the text to be searched for, before continuing
210 Date Entered is Outside the Supported Date Range \n\nPlease Enter a Date the falls between the years 1900 and 2100
211 The "First" Date may not be after the "Last" Date\n\nNote: If entering dates that cross centuries, Windows needs to be configured to use four year digits (yyyy). Use Windows Control Panel to change its date formats
212 Date Entered is Invalid \n\nPlease Re-specify in the Format %s
213 <All Fields>
214 Reminders
215 Reminder Descriptions
216 Reminder Notes
217 Entry Created
218 Entry Last Modified
219 Entry Last Called
220 Attachment Descriptions
221 Reminder Events
222 Templates for Address Book Imports
223 Templates for Diary Event Imports
224 The Entry associated with this Call could not be located within the Address Book, possibly due to the entry being Deleted (?) \n\nThe Call Log request has been terminated
225 An invalid date or time has been specified \n\nPlease Re-specify before continuing
226 The Call Finished Time cannot be before the Call Start Time \n\nPlease Re-specify before continuing
227 The Telephone Number called must be supplied before continuing
228 Unable to Move Configuration Files to Specified Directory\n\nIt is possible that you do not have update access to the directory specified, or it is a Root Directory. Storage of Configuration files within a Root Directory is not supported
229 Word Processor: %s \n\nPlease confirm you wish to Delete the above Word Processor
230 Category
231 Warning: Any Entries associated with this %s will lose that association
232 Address Template
233 Warning: Any Entries with Data Using this %s will lose that Data
234 Unable to Delete the Address Template: "%s" \n\nThe first Address Template of an Address Book cannot be deleted
235 Please Confirm the Deletion of %s: %s \n\n%s
236 A Suitable Description for this Event is Required.\n\nPlease specify before continuing
237 The "Schedule Until" Date may not be before the "Reminder" Date\n\nNote: If entering dates that cross centuries, Windows needs to be configured to use four year digits (yyyy). Use Windows Control Panel to change its date formats
238 Birthday
239 Anniversary
240 Holiday
241 Day(s)
242 Week(s)
243 Month(s)
244 Year(s)
245 Daily
246 Weekly
247 Monthly
248 Yearly
249 Rename Export Template
250 Save Template As
251 Rename Import Template
252 Rename Saved Search
253 A Name for the Search must be Specified.\n\nEach Saved Search needs to be assigned a unique name to identify that Search.
254 A Name for the Template must be Specified.\n\nEach Template needs to be assigned a unique name to identify that Template.
255 A Saved Search Named "%s" is already Defined.\n\nPlease Specify another Name for the Search
256 A Template Named "%s" is already Defined.\n\nPlease Specify another Name for the Template
257 Update Template: %s
258 You have de-selected the Address Template: "%s"\n\nBy de-selecting this Template, Smart Address will remove ALL Address Data stored under this Template from the Current Entry \n\nAre you Sure you Wish to Continue ?
259 At Least one Address Template must be Selected.
260 The Second Date may not be before the First Date\n\nNote: If entering dates that cross centuries, Windows needs to be configured to use four year digits (yyyy). Use Windows Control Panel to change its date formats
261 Error
262 Warning
263 The file name specified is invalid. Please enter a valid file name.
264 The file specified already exists. Please confirm that you wish to overwrite it.
265 Address Book Entries
266 Reminders
267 Telephone Logs
268 Diary Events
269 Selected Entry Only
270 All Entries in the Index List
271 All Tagged Entries
272 All Entries
273 Diary Events
274 Export Address Book %s
275 The file specified could not be located. Please re-enter the file name.
276 Unable to validate file. Possible invalid file format
277 Comma Separated Values (CSV)
278 Import to Address Book %s
279 Import to Diary
280 Edit Word Processor
281 Add New Word Processor
282 A Descriptive Name for the Word Processor must be specifed\n\nPlease specify before continuing
283 The Title Bar Text for the Word Processor must be specified \n\nPlease specify before continuing
284 A Word Processor with the Name "%s" already exists \n\nPlease choose another name before continuing
285 Note: Basic Filter is Active
286 Creation Date is Unavailable
287 Last Updated Date is Unavailable
288 Record has not been updated
289 No Call details recorded
290 Containing Word
291 Containing Text
292 On the Date
293 Between Dates
294 Delete Address Book Entry for:\n\n%s
295 Microsoft Notepad
296 Notepad
297 Microsoft Word for Windows
298 Microsoft Word
299 Microsoft WordPad
300 WordPad
301 Microsoft Works
302 Microsoft Works
303 Microsoft Write
304 Write
305 WordPerfect for Windows
306 WordPerfect
307 Lotus Ami Pro
308 Ami Pro
309 Symantec Q&A Write
310 Symantec Q&A Write
311 Word Express
312 WordExpress
313 File: %s \n\nUnable to Write File due to an Unknown Error
314 Unknown
315 File: %s \n\nUnable to Process File due to an Unknown Error
316 Imported
317 Field %.2d
318 Address Book: %s \n\nUnable to action Request, as the Address Book is currently being Updated.\nPlease complete the outstanding Update and try again
319 Address Book: %s \n\nUnable to action Request as the Address Book is currently opened for Read Only Access.\nThis means that no updates may be performed against the book whilst it is in this state
322 Document is not associated with any Application.
323 Document Selected could not be located.
324 The file specified is not associated with any application
325 The file specified does not exist. \nDo you wish to Create it ?
326 Note
327 Once
328 Warning - Please Note
329 Error Encountered
330 Information - Please Note
331 Confirmation Required
332 Unknown Message Type
333 Categories Defined for Entry
334 All Log Entries
335 All Dates
336 Entries Between
337 Events Between
338 All Diary Events
339 Events between %S and %S
340 A Quick Report Named "%s" is Already Defined.\n\nPlease specify another Report Name to be Used, as each Report must have a Unique Name.
341 <All Report Types>
342 Address Book Entry Reports
343 Address Book Reminder Reports
344 Address Book Call Log Reports
345 Diary Event Reports
346 Calendar Prints
347 Quick Report: "%s"\n\nAre you sure you wish to Delete this Saved Report ?
348 Save Quick Report As
349 Rename Quick Report
350 A Name for the Quick Report must be Specified.\n\nEach Report needs to be assigned a unique name to identify that Report.
351 <All Address Book Reports>
352 Print First Linked Quick Report|Quick Report:
353 No Stored Quick Report is Currently Linked with this Command
354 Print Second Linked Quick Report|Quick Report:
355 Print Linked Quick Report|Quick Report:
356 Data Palette
357 Object Palette
358 A Name for this Page Layout must be specified.\n\nPlease enter a unique name and retry the request
359 A Page Layout Named "%s" is Already Defined.\n\nPlease specify another Layout Name to be Used, as each Layout must have a Unique Name.
360 Address Book Entries
361 Address Book Entry Reminders
362 Address Book Entry Call Logs
363 Diary Book Events
364 Calendar View
365 Page Layout Designer
366 This Layout has been updated since it was last saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the changes, before continuing ?
367 The "Alarm Time" may not be after the "Reminder Date"\n\nNote: If entering dates that cross centuries, Windows needs to be configured to use four year digits (yyyy). Use Windows Control Panel to change its date formats
368 %s Property Editor
369 Return Address Property Editor
370 Preparing Call
371 <Not Saved>
372 The Page Layout Selected is Invalid.\n\nPlease specify a valid Page Layout to be used, before continuing
373 Envelope
374 Label
375 Listing
376 Page Break after &Change of Entry
377 You must Select a Printer to be used for printing this Layout\n\nPlease select the required printer before continuing
378 The Printer allocated to this Layout is no-longer installed to Windows\n\nPlease re-select another Printer to be used
379 Page Layout: %s \n\nAre you sure you wish to delete this Page Layout ?
380 Page Break after &Change of Date
381 A Paper Size must be selected to be used with this Page Layout.\n\nPlease select the required Paper, before continuing
382 <All Paper Types>
383 Envelope Sizes
384 Label Sizes
385 Listing Sizes
386 You have selected to change the default Orientation for the Envelope Feed selected. Changing the default could affect the printed Envelope.\n\nAre you sure you wish to do this ?
389 A Paper Size Named "%s" is Already Defined.\n\nPlease specify another Name to be used, as each Paper Size must have a Unique Name.
390 Inches
391 Millimetres
392 Delete Paper Size: "%s"\n\nAre you sure you wish to Delete this Paper Size definition ?
393 Sample - Address Line Number %d
394 %f Inches x %f Inches
395 %.0f mm x %.0f mm
396 %s (%s) [%D x %d]
397 %d Objects Selected
398 No Objects Selected
399 Static Text
400 Object
401 Merged Data
402 The specified attachment: "%s" is already defined to this Entry\n\nAre you sure you wish to add this attachment again ?
403 Open of Page Layout "%S" Failed.\n\nUnable to located the associated Paper Size, as the Paper Size has been deleted from the System.
404 Preparing Preview
405 Page %d of %d
406 %d Copies
407 1 Copy
408 Print Wizard Generated
409 Smart Address Print
410 Preview Status
411 Note Only
412 Once Only
413 %d Day(s)
414 %d Week(s)
415 %d Month(s)
416 %d Year(s)
417 Quick Reports for Address Book Prints
418 Quick Reports for Diary Prints
419 Selected Entry Only
420 All Entries in the Index List
421 All Tagged Entries
422 All Entires in the Address Book
423 Diary Events
424 Event Selection
425 Print Options
426 <All Page Layouts>
427 Address Book Entries
428 Address Book Reminders
429 Address Book Call Logs
430 Diary Book Events
431 Open Page Layout
432 Page Layout Maintainance
433 Create New Page Layout
434 Page Layout Properties
435 Save Page Layout As
436 A Name for this Paper Size must be specified.\n\nPlease enter a unique name and retry the request
437 File Missing: OAKLEYPS.DLL \n\nUnable to Load Paper Size Library. Reinstall Smart Address.
438 To perform this Print, click the Print Button
439 To preview this Print, click the Preview Button
440 The Address Book opened is a Back-up File of another Address Book. To protect against data loss, this Book has been locked against updates.\n\nTo update this Book, use the Save As command and save it using with a different name and file extension
441 The Diary opened is a Back-up File of another Diary. To protect against data loss, this Diary has been locked against updates.\n\nTo update this Diary, use the Save As command and save it using with a different name and file extension
442 Default Sort Order
443 Error Inserting Data to Word Processor Application
444 No Entry Data was Specified for Insertion
445 The Print Facility is not available when generated from the Page Designer as Smart Address cannot identify which entries you require to print. \n\nIf you wish to print using this Layout, please use the Print Command of the Address Book or Diary s File Menu.
446 Unable to locate the Conversion File ADRCNVRT.EXE.\n\nThis file is required when converting pre-Version 3 Address Books. \n\nThis file is supplied with the Licensed Version of Smart Address or may be down-loaded from the Internet at www.smartcode.com
447 Error Converting Address Book: %s \n\nThe Address Book may be Read-Only or is currently in use by another Application.
448 <Default Printer>
449 File Missing: OAKLEY32.DLL \n\nUnable to Load Paper Size Library. Reinstall Smart Address.
450 The text specified could not be located in the Index List.\n\nNote: Only entries within the Index List were searched. To search the whole Address Book, remove any Search filter in effect or use the "View|Search" command.
451 Freeform Address
452 Separate Address Fields (as Smart Address V2.x)
453 US Postal Address Format
454 UK Postal Address Format
455 ?
456 ?
457 ?
458 ?
459 You have selected to change the Address Format from "Freeform Address".\n\nIt should be noted that the new format only supports 5 lines of Address text. Any Address using this Template will be truncated to 5 lines.\n\nDo you wish to continue ?
460 Smart Address Failed to launch your Internet Browser
461 Smart Address could not determine your Internet Browser\n\nPlease configure a Browser Application using the "Tools|Options" command of Smart Address
462 A Category must be supplied for this entry.\n\nPlease select the required category or categories, before continuing.
463 An Error was encountered attempting to invoke a Windows TAPI Function\n\nFunction Terminated.
1000 Request Denied
1001 Access Error
1002 Create Required File ?
1003 File Name is Invalid
1004 Validation Failed
1005 Unknown Error
1006 Deletion Requested
1007 Caution - Data Loss Possible
1008 Function not Set-up
1009 Search Failed
1010 Required Field Missing or Invalid
1011 Attachment Management
1012 Caution - Changing Default Setting
1013 Telephone Dialling
1014 Adjusting Options
1015 TAPI Failure
2000 Graphic Image
2001 Vertical Line
2002 Horizontal Line
2003 Rectangle
2004 Text
2005 Date Printed
2006 Time Printed
2007 Page Number
3000 Record Created
3001 Record Updated
3002 Record Last Called
3003 Return Mail Address
3004 Sort String
3005 Sort Character
3050 Entry Name
3051 Scheduled Date
3052 Scheduled Time
3053 Description
3054 Priority
3055 Frequency
3056 Frequency Period
3057 Scheduled Until
3058 Advance Warning
3059 Notes
3060 Sort String
3061 Sort Character
3100 Entry Called
3101 Number Called
3102 Date Started
3103 Time Started
3104 Date Finished
3105 Time Finished
3106 Call Duration
3108 Sort String
3109 Sort Character
61440 Cannot assign a %s to a %s
61441 Cannot create file %s
61442 Cannot open file %s
61443 Stream read error
61444 Stream write error
61445 Out of memory while expanding memory stream
61446 Can't write to a read-only resource stream
61447 WriteObject called twice for the same instance
61448 Class %s not found
61449 Invalid stream format
61450 Resource %s not found
61451 Resource %s is of incorrect class
61452 List index out of bounds
61453 Operation not allowed on sorted string list
61454 String list does not allow duplicates
61455 Tab index out of bounds
61456 A component named %s already exists
61457 ''%s'' is not a valid component name
61458 A class named %s already exists
61459 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value
61460 Line too long
61461 Invalid property value
61462 Invalid property path
61463 Property does not exist
61464 Property is read-only
61465 Error reading %s.%s: %s
61466 Ancestor for '%s' not found
61467 Bitmap image is not valid
61468 Icon image is not valid
61469 Metafile is not valid
61470 Bitmap is empty
61471 Cannot change the size of an icon
61472 Unknown picture file extension (.%s)
61473 Unsupported clipboard format
61474 Out of system resources
61475 Canvas does not allow drawing
61476 Invalid image size
61477 Too many images
61478 Image dimensions do not match image list dimensions
61479 Invalid ImageList
61480 Unable to Replace Image
61481 Invalid ImageList Index
61482 Error creating window device context
61483 Client of TDrag not initialized
61484 Error creating window class
61485 Error creating window
61486 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
61487 Control '%s' has no parent window
61488 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form
61489 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
61490 Cannot make a visible window modal
61491 Scrollbar property out of range
61492 %s property out of range
61493 Menu index out of range
61494 Menu inserted twice
61495 Sub-menu is not in menu
61496 Not enough timers available
61497 Printer is not currently printing
61498 Printing in progress
61499 Printer index out of range
61500 Printer selected is not valid
61501 %s on %s
61502 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex
61503 Cannot have more than one MDI form per application
61504 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active
61505 Invalid component registration
61506 Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap
61507 A control cannot have itself as its parent
61508 OK
61509 Cancel
61510 &Yes
61511 &No
61512 &Help
61513 &Close
61514 &Ignore
61515 &Retry
61516 Abort
61517 &All
61518 Cannot drag a form
61519 PutObject to undefined item
61520 Could not load CARDS.DLL
61521 Duplicate CardId found
61522 An error returned from DDE ($0%x)
61523 DDE Error - conversation not established ($0%x)
61524 Error occurred when DDE ran out of memory ($0%x)
61525 Unable to connect DDE conversation
61526 FB
61527 FG
61528 BG
61529 Cannot load older version of TShape
61530 Metafiles
61531 Enhanced Metafiles
61532 Icons
61533 Bitmaps
61534 Grid too large for operation
61535 Too many rows or columns deleted
61536 Grid index out of range
61537 Fixed column count must be less than column count
61538 Fixed row count must be less than row count
61539 %s on line %d
61540 Identifier expected
61541 String expected
61542 Number expected
61543 ''%s'' expected
61544 %s expected
61545 Invalid numeric value
61546 Invalid string constant
61547 Invalid property value
61548 Invalid binary value
61549 Outline index not found
61550 Parent must be expanded
61551 Invalid value for current item
61552 Invalid input value
61553 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes
61554 Invalid outline index
61555 Incorrect level assignment
61556 Invalid selection
61557 File load error
61558 Line too long
61559 Maximum outline depth exceeded
61560 Warning
61561 Error
61562 Information
61563 Confirm
61564 &Yes
61565 &No
61566 OK
61567 Cancel
61568 &Help
61569 No help available
61570 Help
61571 &Abort
61572 &Retry
61573 &Ignore
61574 &All
61575 BkSp
61576 Tab
61577 Esc
61578 Enter
61579 Space
61580 PgUp
61581 PgDn
61582 End
61583 Home
61584 Left
61585 Up
61586 Right
61587 Down
61588 Ins
61589 Del
61590 Shift+
61591 Ctrl+
61592 Alt+
61593 (Unknown)
61594 (None)
61595 Value must be between %d and %d
61596 Cannot create a default method name for an unnamed component
61597 Invalid argument to date encode
61598 Invalid argument to time encode
61599 ''%s'' is not a valid date
61600 ''%s'' is not a valid time
61601 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time
61602 Invalid file name - %s
61603 All files (*.*)|*.*
61604 All
61605 : [ - no volume label - ]
61606 Unable to insert a line
61607 The specified directory does not exist. Create it?
61608 Select Directory
61609 Directory &Name:
61610 D&rives:
61611 &Directories:
61612 &Files: (*.*)
61613 Ne&twork...
61614 Color
61616 Invalid clipboard format
61617 Clipboard does not support Icons
61618 Default
61619 Text exceeds memo capacity
61620 Custom Colors
61621 Operation not supported on selected printer
61622 There is no default printer currently selected
61623 Unable to write to %s
61624 Bits index out of range
61625 (Untitled)
61626 Invalid data type for '%s'
61627 Failed to create key %s
61628 Failed to set data for '%s'
61629 Failed to get data for '%s'
61630 Synchronize called when main VCL thread in a WaitFor call